Thursday, January 3, 2008

2007's over !

As I move into the new year I think we have a lot to be thankful for. Kimi won the world championship, I managed to win my National event, a few of my good friends married, my brother-in-law graduated from grad school, the bimmer didn't blow up, I didn't get run over by some idiot on my bicycle, and I started my new job. So here are some of my predictions for 2008...

#1 Patriots (boo!)
#2 Kimi will win again
#3 The Audi will blow up
#4 I'm going to get sick of my $4000 bike and buy a $6000 bike
#5 Google will climb over $850
#6 OMG Hillary over Giuliani (there is still time to immigrate to Canada)
#7 The GNP and newly elected President Lee will attempt to pass 10,000 bills to build roads and energy companies in North Korea where billions of government contracts will conveniently be awarded to either his families companies or companies where he owns massive amounts of stock. The "if you look like a duck" adage is appropriate but hey, no one cares in Korea anyway.
#8 There will be about 10 live action movies based on manga.

That's all that I'm sure of. The rest of the year of course will be full of political unrest, celebrity break ups, and who knows what?

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